Sunday, October 13, 2024

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh – controversial logician

The more I listen so called modern thinkers, the more I miss Osho. We need more people like him in this kingdom of lies. Modern society tries to preach diversity and tolerance in intolerant, hostile world, filled with destructive ideologies like Islam and Christianity.

It looks like all spiritual teachers failed and rationality lost tremendously. One is shut down immediately when raising controversial topic, dialogue is broken. From ancient times mob is programmed by clever people and then brain-washed sheeple teach the wise, because they are in majority.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh helped me to develop clarity of vision or maybe it’s more precise to say that he took away veil from my eyes. People are not so stupid as we may think sometimes, but we are heavily brain-washed. Now I am seduced to bring matrix theory, but this world of ideas, beliefs, dogmas, cults, ideologies, rules, norms really looks like matrix of organic beings, who are programmed by themselves or by external forces. Who brought civilization here?

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is the best destroyer of all dogmas, superstitions, he is true deprogrammer. His deep thoughts and multi-faceted looks on existential questions and mundane problems can’t leave anybody indifferent. At first you hate him, then you are grateful and respect him and finally you love him. He is like true friend, who don’t allow you to stuck and pushes to seek, to question, to choose, to think, to live and go into unknown. It took years for me to understand so simple things, that I am ashamed of my blindness and stupidity. And how many things I still don’t see?

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