After changing the battery UPS transformer don’t switch on, logic don’t power on. Only display works. “IN LINE 600V-200VA II” “11-089400-05” PCB board but also found it as 12-089411-00-1737 / E.11.6300731-04. This PCB board is used on Vinga VPC-1200, Sven UP-L1000E and other UPS. Didn’t find diagram.
HR7P195FGS3 AM49TUX325 Qingdao Eastsoft 32pin microcontroller.
AS324M-G1 quad operational amplifier. It may be used to monitor and regulate certain voltage levels in the UPS system, ensuring that the voltage provided to other parts of the system is within specified ranges. AS324M-G1 can act as part of a feedback loop, helping to detect and process signals from other components, such as the battery, input power, and output voltage. It could send signals to the controller to indicate status or alert to issues (e.g., low battery, overload). It is also possible that the AS324M-G1 is used to send signals to the main controller, such as triggering certain protections (overload, overvoltage) or enabling the relay that switches the UPS to battery power when necessary.
L7815CV GK1SY V6 CHN 043 is a linear voltage regulator that outputs a fixed 15V DC when its input voltage is sufficiently higher (usually 17–35V DC). Input (Pin 1): Receives unregulated voltage (must be higher than 15V, typically 17–35V). Ground (Pin 2): Common ground. Output (Pin 3): Provides regulated 15V output.
Learn how to test voltage regulators with multimeter, 78XX series voltage regulators - - Linear Voltage Regulators (LM7805)
CS150N04 MOSFET N -Channel 150 W 40 V 30 V 3.5 V 150 A 150 °C 160 nC 88 nS 550 pF 0.0045 Ohm TO-220AB.
Y1 16.000 16MHz orange 3 pin ceramic resonator near speaker. HR7P195FGS3 System Clock operates at frequencies up to 16 MHz.
CT3001 CS 3 current transformer. Thin legs - primary windings (input side). Thick legs - secondary windings (output side). Primary windings – 22 Ohm and secondary windings – 0.001 Ohm. Thick legs (secondary windings) are connected to a relay, so the current transformer might be used as a logic signal source for the UPS controller. It monitors current in the primary circuit and signals the relay to switch modes, from grid to battery or vice versa etc. The low resistance of the secondary winding suggests it provides a proportional current signal to the logic circuit, which might then control the relay.
GOLDEN GH-1C-24L relays. Pin Functions (as per standard SPDT relays):
Coil Pins: Two pins connect to the coil. Applying 24V DC across these pins energizes the relay, switching the internal contacts. 85: This terminal is usually connected to the ground (negative side of the power source). 86: This terminal is connected to the positive side of the power source (through a switch or control circuit).
Common (COM): The shared terminal for the switching contacts.
Normally Closed (NC): This terminal is connected to the COM terminal when the relay is de-energized.
Normally Open (NO): This terminal is connected to the COM terminal when the relay is energized.
Check Coil Pins. Use a multimeter in resistance mode. Measure between any two pins. The pair showing ~1600 ohms (±10%) resistance corresponds to the coil.
Identify Contact Pins. With the relay unpowered test continuity with a multimeter. NC and COM will show continuity. NO and COM will show open (OL).
When the relay is powered (apply 24V to the coil). NC and COM should open (OL). NO and COM should show continuity.
Since display works on UPS we can assume that L7815CV is OK. Its OUT leads to AS324M-G1 VCC (3V to 32V) and display port – R119, R172, R66 – 1 pin from the right, D23, R21. No shorts.
There are 2 transistors near voltage regulator: PNP MPS2907A connected to power on button, NPN MPSF2222A (MPS2222A).
When the power button is pressed, it triggers the MPS2907A. Being a PNP transistor, the MPS2907A might activate other parts of the UPS, such as the power-on logic or the relay that connects the battery to the inverter. B+ goes to E and C is connected to diode cathode which anode is connected to capacitor + and the to L7815CV IN.
The MPS2222A is an NPN transistor, which typically operates in a complementary fashion with the PNP transistor. It might be involved in switching higher-current components (like the relay) or driving other control logic. For example, when the MPS2907A turns on, the MPS2222A might drive a relay coil, causing the relay to switch and connect the battery.
Relay Control: MPS2222A could be controlling the relay that connects the battery to the UPS inverter or other power components. For example, when the MPS2907A turns on, the MPS2222A might drive a relay coil, causing the relay to switch and connect the battery.
Voltage Regulation or Control Logic: The MPS2222A might also be used in controlling or amplifying signals in the control section, or switching on/off other subsystems in response to power-on signals.
Status or Protection Circuitry: MPS2222A might also be part of a fault detection or protection circuit that disables power to certain parts of the system in the event of an issue. - How to test a TRANSISTOR with a multimeter PNP or NPN MF#63
MPS2222A emitter is connected with 2 LCD1 pin from the right and with HR7P195FGS3 microcontroller VDD + through JP1 and JP10 and CT3001 CS 3 current transformer. Also it is connected to Data+ USB1 pin and 1 ISP1 pin. ISP (In-System Programming) pins are used for programming microcontrollers or interfacing with firmware. 2 ISP1 pin is GND, 3 – ICDSDA/ISPSDA/AIN1/PA1, 4 – AIN2/PA2, 5 – AIN3/ADVREF/PA3.
1 V<sub>CC</sub> (+) Power supply to the system
2 GND Ground reference
3 ICDSDA/ISPSDA/AIN1/PA1 Data line for programming/debugging or analog input
4 AIN2/PA2 Analog input or GPIO
5 AIN3/ADVREF/PA3 Analog input or reference voltage, GPIO
Checked C38 (C62) capacitor – 4.7 mF – OK. Checked MPS2222A transistor – OK. MPS2907A seems OK too – shows battery voltage on B and E.
When UPS is connected to 230V and connected to battery, it shows 5V and 6V on LC7815CV and all other lines for controller. Also it shows 4.4V on 3 pins and GND on 1 pin. There is no relay clicking. Display works and shows nothing. UPS do not turn on transformer. When UPS is connected only with battery, there is no voltage on controller lines and LC7815CV.
When UPS is powered from mains 230V – no relay click – nothing on display, transformer not turned on. USB1 [4.4, 4.4, 4.4, GND], D1 – 4V, D9 – 4V, D22 – 4V, R16 – 6V, R200 – 4.6V, J17 – 0V, J13 – 5,2V, JP1 – 4.36V, JP10 – 4.24V, JP11 – 0V, J11 – 0V, JP29 – 5.2V, JP4 – 5.2V, JP12 – 0V, JP15 – 26, JP39 – 0V, L7815CV IN – 6.6V and OUT – 5.2V.
GND – blue (HR7P195FGS3 VSS 10, AS324M-G1 GND 11), MPS2222A – red (E – HR7P195FGS3 VDD 22 3-5.5V, transformer R194), MPS2907A – pink (E – 24V B+ connected to 1 button contact, B – through 5 kΩ resistor R89 889 or 688 whatever!!! to E, C – diode D20 leading to L7815CV IN), L7815CV- orange (OUT to AS324M-G1 VCC 4, IN – diode D20 and capacitor). 2 button contact is connected to 4.7uF 50V capacitor and one side of 498kΩ R97 4993 and 82kΩ R99 823. 4.7kΩ R88 – on top of the board near button contacts and C38 4.7uF > 3.2kΩ R48 > HR7P195FGS3 PE0 21 (maybe it’s power off trigger). White – power on button logic.
MPS2907A (PNP Transistor) is the first stage in chain. It connects the 24V B+ to supply power to L7815CV, which outputs 15V. The AS324M-G1 operational amplifier (via its VCC pin 4).
AS324M-G1 (Op-Amp) likely processes signals from the button logic or other sensors to generate control signals. It may be responsible for triggering the MPS2222A (NPN Transistor) to supply power to the HR7P195FGS3 microcontroller.
MPS2222A (NPN Transistor) likely acts as a power switch for the HR7P195FGS3. When triggered by the output from the AS324M-G1, it supplies power to the microcontroller (HR7P195FGS3 VDD, pin 22).
HR7P195FGS3 once powered, takes over the control logic, including managing the button state via PE0 (pin 21), controlling the relay, stabilizing the system by ensuring power delivery to downstream circuits.
Connected PCB to all harness and shorted MPS2907A (PNP Transistor) B to GND with 10kΩ resistor. “Power On” on display but nothing happens. Put jumper on button jumpers to short button contacts and tried 10kΩ resistor again – UPS working and holds at least 20W lamp, but as soon as 10kΩ resistor is removed, UPS turns off. Actually UPS should power on without shorted button contacts. Shorted button contacts should turn UPS off (not keep it on). Nothing special in button itself – usual short of two points as in any switch. Once powered, the microcontroller logic should output a signal to keep the MPS2907A base biased (low) so the UPS stays on. Pressing the button again should signal the microcontroller to cut off the bias to the MPS2907A base, turning off the UPS. The button is needed only to turn off the UPS but still it works as switch on – toggle.
GOLDEN GH-1C-24L relay is a standard 4-pin, single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) relay. All relays seems to be ok. 1 relay is connected to CT3001 CS 3 current transformer continuity with thick CT legs (secondary windings). 2 relay NC is connected to 1 relay NO terminal and share common COM and NC with other 2 relays – continuity. Polarity according to PCB – see transistors for GND.
*1 coil *2 coil – 1.6kΩ
*3 NC – continuity with COM *4 NO
When battery is connected sometimes appears constant short on button contacts, which prevents power on. All coils contacts and smd transistors C, which E is on GND, show 26V. Activate relays with continuity B and C of transistors or by continuity GND and B.
R200 near speaker – 22Ω, R22 R26 R28 R24 – 4.7kΩ, R93 R95 R94 – 3.3kΩ.
R9 near JP4 – 3kΩ, R187 – 2.4kΩ, R189 – 41kΩ, R188 – 43kΩ.
R88 near JP12 – 4.7kΩ, R100 near JP13 – 20kΩ.
R110 near L1 CT3001 – 3kΩ.
R71 glass coated NTC thermistor in radiator shows 6.66kΩ. Connected to GND of 3 pin port and HR7P195FGS3 29 PB6/KIN2/AIN6. Does it influence Power On or is it monitoring T for protection? NTC thermistor in this case is probably used as part of a battery temperature monitoring system. Its resistance changes with temperature, and the HR7P195FGS3 reads this change via its AIN6 pin. It may limit battery charging ensuring overheat protection. Can control current during charging.
All diodes on PCB top seem OK – 0.5-0.6V – black on stripe and red on end. D19 near HS3 heat sink shows 0.6V and vice versa probes show 2.8V – it’s sum of 4 relay coil voltage measured in diode mode. It is connected to B+ and relay coil contact.
D5 near R190 R116 HR7P195FGS3 shows 0.6V and 2V vice versa – red on black stripe and black on end.
D23 is connected to speaker contacts and shows 0.170V from both sides. Since speaker works, maybe it’s OK. Gets power from AS324M-G1 VCC 4.
ZD1 13 | connected with D9 > NC of GOLDEN GH-1C-24L, D22 > black wire in 3 pin connector J1, through R192 68C > transistor 1P B > 1P C > R68 01C to MPS2907A B.
GND – blue (HR7P195FGS3 VSS 10, AS324M-G1 GND 11), MPS2222A – red (E – HR7P195FGS3 VDD 22 3-5.5V, transformer R194), MPS2907A – pink (E – 24V B+ connected to 1 button contact, B – through 5 kΩ resistor R89 889 or 688 whatever!!! to E, C – diode D20 leading to L7815CV IN), L7815CV- orange (OUT to AS324M-G1 VCC 4, IN – diode D20 and capacitor). 2 button contact is connected to 4.7uF 50V capacitor and one side of 498kΩ R97 4993 and 82kΩ R99 823. 4.7kΩ R88 – on top of the board near button contacts and C38 4.7uF > 3.2kΩ R48 > HR7P195FGS3 PE0 21 (maybe it’s power off trigger). Pink - R71 glass coated NTC thermistor. Light green – ZD1 13 | – zener diode with a 13V breakdown voltage.
RLY1 GOLDEN GH-1C-24L NO is connected to ZD1 via D9, D22 and logic to MPS2907A B, and NO is connected to green wire on 3 pin connector J1. One coil contact through D19 to B+24V, another coil contact > R96 > 026 transistor 1P C with B on GND, NC isn’t soldered to PCB. This relay shows 1.38mΩ between NC and NO and it’s click differs from other relays. The fact that the relay makes a noisy, harsh sound instead of the usual gentle click suggests that something is wrong. UPS gets power from 230V, if available, which may be sufficient for microcontroller to send signal for auto start but since battery is not connected, it can’t send right signal to pull MPS2907A base.
Despite loud click relay is working fine. Desoldered and checked. There is no 1.38mΩ between NC and NO when relay is separated from PCB, but on PCB still present.
Looks like transistor MPS2907A base should be pulled by default and when battery is connected UPS should auto start. Button works like toggle – press and it signals to turn off and after turn off, when pressed, UPS should turn on. Inactive button contact has C62 (C38) 4.7uF capacitor and R97 4993 498kΩ resistor, and connected to HR7P195FGS3 PE0 21 pin through (on PCB top R88) 4.7kΩ > R48 332 3.2kΩ. What prevents pull of MPS2907A base automatically? When 10kΩ resistor is touching GND and MPS2907A base voltage drops to 0.7V difference, looks like current goes correctly to every point and controller VDD, but UPS won’t auto start, if button contacts are not shorted (button pressed). If contacts are unshorted, UPS stops working, so button works opposite way it should. It seems the UPS is not correctly interpreting the button state or the base of MPS2907A is not being driven as needed.
MPS2907A E > +24V, B > R89 688 5kΩ > E, C > R183 (R100) 20kΩ red black black red brown > R9 3kΩ brown brown black black orange > C28 and R92 > HR7P195FGS3 AIN10/PE3 1 pin.
HR7P195FGS3 PC6/TX1 19 pin > C24 smd capacitor > R97 4993 498kΩ resistor > button contact. When button pressed, signal goes to HR7P195FGS3 PC6/TX1 19 pin and PE0 21 pin. - Как проверить реле? Для чего нужны реле? 2 способа проверки. Автоэлектрика. - ДБЖ Vinga VPC-800P: як вбиваються акуми і чому не працює з LiFePO4 - Ремонтуємо УПСи. Luxeon, Vinga, APC, PowerWare - Ремонт источника бесперебойного питания ИБП R-UPS S1000 - Ремонт ИБП SVEN 800
SOLUTION: I am fed up with this UPS. Didn’t figure out what the problem with power on function. Soldered 10kΩ resistor to MPS2907A base and GND and it works. Display is always on with “POWER ON” and UPS powers on automatically only first time. If turned off I need to turn it on manually. It won’t power on automatically when grid power appears. Next time I won’t disconnect anything on UPS board, except cables to transformer. This glitch is so annoying. What happened? Why power on stopped working correctly? DO EVERYTHING AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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